
Logo_Mapptivities_Med_123pixlarge electronic map with young girl photograph.

  • In the front of virtually every elementary school classroom there is currently a map.
  • CMW in partnership with teachers will replace this static map with an interactive experience that promotes best learning practices.
  • Entering the map portal will enable classes to connect and collaborate worldwide.
  • Using the provided Esri ArcGIS Online software as a platform both teachers and students will become empowered to use media with critical thinking throughout their lives and across the community.
  • This program will be scalable and sustainable, a worldwide network of innovative educators, authoritative change agents, and their learning communities.

Click here to go to STORY MAPPTIVITIES

Click here to obtain an Esri classroom account for Mapptivities lead teachers

June 2014 Trailer – Mapptivities Addresses The Common CORE Language Arts Standards



Video of Mapptivities in action as part of Esri’s world tour 2013