Engagement Data Collection

• Approximately 45 minutes of class time with students at computers with internet access (one-to-one, or at least two-to-one computer)
• Students will be led through an interactive mapping lesson by a MappsLab instructor – the teacher will simply observe
• The class will be videotaped for internal use with small wide angle cameras to capture student body language and actions which will then be assessed for engagement, collaboration, and interest
• The cameras will also be used to record approximately 45 minutes of the class not using MappsLab
(preferably the 45 minutes prior to the MappsLab lesson)
• Considerations will be made for any student that cannot be photographed
• Names of students and teachers will remain private

+ The teacher will receive the recorded footage and any feedback from the assessment for her own use.
++ The MappsLab prototype app will also be available for future classroom use by the teacher.

 MappsLab in partnership with the nonprofit Children’s Media Workshop appreciates teacher assistance in designing a joyous learning experience and educator empowerment tool
– the core belief is that any substantial educational change must be teacher led.


Trailer of a Classroom Doing Discovery Data Gathering – Use The App With No Instructions